Mirror Lake Community Amenities
Amenity Usage Rules, Regulations, and Access “Key Fob Required” Fob does not work after closing.

There are two swimming pools provided for the enjoyment of HOA Members and their invited Guests. A recreational pool at the Shoreline Parkway facility and a full-length lap/swimming pool at the Connors Road facility. Both pools are gated and require an HOA Member fob for entry.
Shoreline Parkway and Connors Road schedule
- The pool season begins the weekend of Memorial Day and runs through Labor Day.
- Shoreline & Conners Road pool is open to all members from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM daily.
- Conners Road has a Marlin’s Swim Team – No Meets will be held at Conner’s Road)
- Facilities are monitored by surveillance.
Amenity Privileges
- Access to the pool area is by use of a Member amenities fob. If you have lost your access fob, please contact Premier Management office@premierassociationmanagement.com to get a new fob. Each replacement is $50.
- Member fobs are not allowed to be loaned or given to anyone outside of the household.
- To utilize the facility, Members must be in good standing and current with all assessments. Fobs may be deactivated for Members not in good standing.
- Gates must remain closed at all times. No propping open gates.
- Guest limit is 2 guests per homeowner. Notify management company if planning to bring more than 2 guests, office@premierassociationmanagement.com.
- Guests must be accompanied by a member.
- Anyone caught vandalizing the pool or pool bathrooms will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
- Persons entering the pool after closing time are considered to be trespassing. The police will be contacted for trespassing.
- Pool hours will be posted and also available on the HOA website. Loitering at the pool for any reason other than sunbathing and swimming will not be permitted.
- Management reserves the right to adjust or add any rules as needed. Additional pool rules may be posted at the pool area or may be implemented without notice. Management reserves the right to refuse anyone the use of the pool and its facilities. Failure to adhere to these rules may cause the loss of pool privileges. The Pool guest policy may be revoked or changed at any time by Association Management.
- Violation of these rules by residents, members, or guests may result in fines, suspension of pool privileges and/or imposition of other legal sanctions. It is each resident’s/member’s responsibility to comply with the pool rules.
Poolside Behavior
- Use of the pool area is strictly at your own risk.
- Children less than 16 years of age must at all times be accompanied by an adult responsible for their safety and behavior while at the facility.
- Profane language and shouting are prohibited.
- Audible music is not allowed so as not to disturb others. Headphones are required for electronic devices.
- Return all pool furniture to a neat and orderly arrangement. Semi-permanent pool furniture (i.e. picnic tables) should not be moved.
- No animals allowed, other than service animals.
- There is a strict no-smoking policy for the pool area. Other tobacco uses including vapes are also prohibited.
- Alcohol is Prohibited! No alcoholic drinks allowed in or around the pool area.
- Members and Guest should keep their area clean and dispose of any trash.
- Use the bathhouse restrooms for changing.
- Special events, private pool parties, children’s birthday parties, and other group get-togethers are not allowed.
- Glass containers and bottles are not allowed in the pool area.
- Proper swimwear must be worn to enter the pool. Un-hemmed cut-offs and thongs are not allowed. Children’s disposable diapers are not allowed in the pool. Appropriate swimming diapers and plastic pants must be worn at all times.
Health and Safety
- Pool management has the right and responsibility to close the pool when deemed necessary for safety measures, such as unsafe weather.
- Emergency equipment is to be used by lifeguards only. Do not play on or around the lifeguard while on duty.
- The only flotation devices allowed in the pool area are as follows: water wings, swim vests, noodles, small blow-up balls, and baby swim rings.
- The pool is open during posted hours and when lifeguards are on duty. Instructions given by lifeguards must be obeyed at all times.
- Persons with open sores, skin, nose or eye infections or other communicable diseases/infections should not enter the pool or pool deck.
- Diving is not allowed.
- Running, shoving or rough play will not be allowed.
- No spitting, spouting, or blowing nose.
- Skateboards, scooters, bicycles, and any other wheeled vehicles (with the exception of wheelchairs and strollers) are not to be used in the pool area.
- If the pool deck or restrooms need attention, Members should notify the lifeguards or report it on the HOA website.

TENNIS & Pickleball COURTS
The tennis courts are located at the Parkway facility. The courts are gated and require an HOA Member fob for entry.
Tennis & Pickleball Courts Schedule
- Open to all members from 08:00 am to 8:00 pm daily.
- Facilities are monitored by surveillance.
Amenity Privileges
- Access to the tennis court is by use of a Member amenities fob. If you have lost your access fob, please contact Premier Management office@premierassociationmanagement.com to get a new fob. Each replacement is $50.
- Member fobs are not allowed to be loaned or given to anyone outside of the household.
- To utilize the facility, Members must be in good standing and current with all assessments. Fobs may be deactivated for Members, not in good standing.
- Gates must remain closed at all times.
- Guest limit is 2 guests per homeowner.
- Guests must be accompanied by a member.
- Anyone caught vandalizing the tennis courts will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
- Persons entering the tennis courts after closing time are considered to be trespassing. The police will be contacted for trespassing.
- Tennis court hours will be posted and/or available on the HOA website. Loitering at the court for any reason will not be permitted.
- Management reserves the right to adjust or add any rules as needed. Additional court rules may be posted in the court area or may be implemented without notice. Management reserves the right to refuse anyone the use of the tennis court and its facilities. Failure to adhere to these rules may cause the loss of tennis court privileges. The tennis court guest policy may be revoked or changed at any time by Association Management.
- Violation of these rules by residents, members, or guests may result in fines, suspension of tennis court privileges, and/or imposition of other legal sanctions. It is each resident’s/member’s responsibility to comply with the tennis court rules.
Tennis Court Behavior
- Use tennis court at your own risk.
- Court is for Tennis or Pickleball use only.
- No food or glass allowed on the court.
- Only tennis shoes are allowed in the court area.
- Do not abuse the net or other equipment.
- Children less than 16 years of age must at all times be accompanied by an adult responsible for their safety and behavior while at the facility.
- Profane language and shouting are prohibited.
- Audible music is not allowed so as not to disturb others. Headphones are required for electronic devices.
- No animals allowed, other than service animals.
- There is a strict no-smoking policy for the court area. Other tobacco uses including vapes are also prohibited.
- No skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, or bicycles.
- No chairs, tables, or sharp objects on tennis court surface.
- No drugs or weapons allowed in tennis court area.

The Mirror Lake Community owns and maintains a prestigious lake that HOA members and their accompanied guests may utilize throughout the year. Access to the lake via the parking lot and boat ramp is on Mirror Lake Parkway. The lake requires an HOA Member fob for entry.
Lake Schedule
- Open to all members from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM daily.
- Facilities are monitored by surveillance.
Amenity Privileges
- Access to the lake boat ramp and parking area is by use of a Member amenities fob. If you have lost your access fob, please contact Premier Association Management, Inc. (office@premierassociationmanagement.com) to get a new fob. Each replacement is $50.
- Member fobs are not allowed to be loaned or given to anyone outside of the household.
- To utilize the facility, Members must be in good standing and current with all assessments. Fobs may be deactivated for Members not in good standing.
- Guest limit is 2 guests per homeowner.
- Guests must be accompanied by a member.
- No Property Owner may give permission for non-owners, who are not Residents, to use the lake unaccompanied by the owner.
- Anyone caught vandalizing any portion of the lake amenity will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
- Persons entering the lake parking lot and boat ramp area after closing time are considered to be trespassing. The police will be contacted for trespassing.
- Lake hours will be posted and/or are available on the HOA website.
- Management reserves the right to adjust or add any rules as needed. Additional lake rules may be posted at the lake area or may be implemented without notice. Management reserves the right to refuse anyone the use of the lake and its facilities. Failure to adhere to these rules may cause the loss of lake privileges. The lake guest policy may be revoked or changed at any time by Association Management.
- Violation of these rules by residents, members or guests may result in fines, suspension of lake privileges and/or imposition of other legal sanctions. It is each resident’s/member’s responsibility to comply with the lake rules.
Lake Rules and Safety
- Use of the lake area is strictly at your own risk.
- Swimming is prohibited in the lake.
- Children less than 16 years of age must at all times be accompanied by an adult responsible for their safety and behavior while at the facility.
- No littering, glass containers, illegal drug use, loud music, illegal weapons, obscene behavior are allowed in the lake area.
- All the lots around the lake are owned by homeowners that live on the lake; therefore, when using the lake, you must restrict your activities to the public area around the boat ramp and the water’s surface.
- The Mirror Lake dam adjacent to the parking lot and boat ramp containing the lake must be protected from all causes of erosion. Apart from vehicular traffic on the roadway over the mirror lake dam, vehicles are prohibited from being driven on dam surfaces. Such prohibition includes, but is not confined to cars, trucks, motorcycles, motor scooters, 4 Wheelers, golf carts, and all-terrain vehicles. The dam surface may be used for walking and bank fishing only.
- Off Road Vehicles are not allowed beyond the parking lot/boat ramp area such as in any HOA maintained wooded area surrounding the lake.
- Hunting is not allowed on any of the Mirror Lake property
Boat, Kayak, Canoe, and Watercraft Registration and Usage
- All watercrafts must be registered by the HOA to allow use of or to be on the Lake. Watercraft registration decals are mailed to the property or can be picked up from the office during office hours.
- Registered watercraft decals must be visible at all times or on hand to produce when asked.
- Watercraft permits/decals are vessel and owner-specific and cannot be transferred to another Watercraft or Property Owner
- Watercraft permits will be issued only to Property Owners in good standing and who are current on assessments, charges and fees owed to the POA
- The boat ramp is to be utilized for the purpose of launching and removing watercraft. No docking is permitted in this area. Vehicles are to park in the designated parking area away from the boat ramp.
- No person shall operate any Boat or Personal Watercraft while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- No internal combustion engines are allowed to be used on the lake. Only electric powered or paddled watercraft are allowed.
- No watercraft of any kind may be left in the parking lot and boat ramp overnight.
- Only Members and their accompanied Guests are allowed to use watercraft on the lake.
10. All Watercrafts and On-Water Vessels must be registered with the association and proper decals always displayed.
11. Owners cannot have more than two Watercrafts or On-Water vessels per property/dock without written ARC approval.
12. Lake front property owners may have a maximum of two watercrafts per property/dock in contact with the water overnight.
13. Gasoline powered Watercrafts or On-Water Vessels are strictly prohibited.
14. Pontoon boats are permitted with a maximum allowable length of twenty feet and a maximum allowable surface area of 160sf.
15. All Watercrafts and On-Water Vessels must remain operable as originally intended.
16. All Watercrafts and On-Water Vessels must be maintained in keeping with community standards.
17. All Watercrafts and On-Water Vessels cannot extend beyond twenty feet from the shoreline.
18. All Watercrafts and On-Water Vessels should be covered when not in use.

- The playground is intended for children under the age of 13 and must be accompanied by an adult. Use the playground at your own risk.
- No food on play structures
- All guests must be accompanied by a homeowner/resident.
- Check for hot surfaces before allowing children to play.
- No littering.
- Use of profane language will not be tolerated.
- No glass is allowed in the playground area.
- Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the playground area.
- There is no smoking allowed in the playground area.
- Please report any damaged equipment to the HOA Management Company.
These rules are for the safety and enjoyment of all members. Please be respectful of all Members and Guests. Notify the property management company of any health and safety issues or maintenance problems at office@premierassociationmanagement.com .
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mirror Lake Community Association